Personality Psychology
Mar 10, 1998

Will Bridewell
Research Scientist in Artificial Intelligence
My research interests include the relationship between attention, cognition, and intentional action.
The present study compared the effects of irrational beliefs measured by the Survey of Personal Beliefs and optimism and pessimism as measured by the revised Life Orientation Test on depressive and anxious symptoms 6 weeks later.
Edward C. Chang,
Will Bridewell
Bridewell, W.B., & Chang, E.C. (1997). Distinguishing between anxiety, depression, and hostility. Interactive poster session presented at the 1st Regional Congress of Psychology for Professionals in the Americas. Mexico City, Mexico.
Will Bridewell,
Edward C. Chang
Chang, E.C., & Bridewell, W.B. (1997). Irrational beliefs, optimism, pessimism, and psychological distress. Interactive poster session presented at the 1st Regional Congress of Psychology for Professionals in the Americas. Mexico City, Mexico.
Edward C. Chang,
Will Bridewell
Irrational Beliefs and Negative Life Stress: Testing a Diathesis-stress Model of Depressive Symptoms
Chang, E.C., Bridewell, W.B., & Fahey, A.L. (1997). Irrational beliefs and negative life stress: Testing a diathesis-stress model of depressive symptoms. Poster session presented at the 69th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association.
Edward C. Chang,
Will Bridewell,
Amy L. Fahey
The present study examined the role of internalized anger, externalized anger, and anger control as predictors of depressive, anxious, and hostile symptoms.
Will Bridewell,
Edward C. Chang
Bridewell, W.B., & Chang, E.C. (1996). Distinguishing between anxiety, depression, and hostility: Relations to anger-in, anger-out, and anger control. Paper presented at the 82nd annual meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science.
Will Bridewell,
Edward C. Chang
Chang, E.C., & Bridewell, W.B. (1996a, May). Hopeful and unhopeful college students: Evidence for situational specificity in coping with academic versus interpersonal problems. Poster session presented at the 68th annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association.
Edward C. Chang,
Will Bridewell